Contact Global Pharmacy Plus
Package Tracking Help
Parcel tracking information can be found on the USPS order tracking website, we have had some instances where the tracking information could not be accessed online. When this happens simply contact USPS directly over the phone for the latest tracking information.
Domestic & International USPS Tracking™
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 8:30 PM ET
Saturday 8 AM - 6 PM ET
Mail Processing Center
Mail Processing Center
2540 Walden Ave
Suite 450
Buffalo NY 14225-4761
E: [email protected]
P: 1.855.475.7782 toll-free
F: 1.855.475.7787 toll-free
Mail Processing Center
2540 Walden Ave
Suite 450
Buffalo NY 14225-4761
E: [email protected]
P: 1.855.475.7782 toll-free
F: 1.855.475.7787 toll-free
Corporate Head Office
Corporate Head Office
550 Burrard St
Unit 2900
Vancouver BC V6C 0A3
Corporate Head Office
550 Burrard St
Unit 2900
Vancouver BC V6C 0A3